So yeh, I'm a genius at composing sites lol.
My original site that I could have started years ago was dayvividnerdvillage. The thing is that it was hard for me to retrieve this pass back because that name was stolen by my brother, and he accidentally lost the pass. After 6 month later I had to hack this site from freewebs to get it back because everything I do are under the name of dayvividnerdvillage
Check it out:, just recently I've been working on a new site, and I don't know which one I should launch a domain for?
The new site is about leadership. It's ironic that my brother has leadership class now, and I had taken leadership class in the past. So I thought of it, and most of the sites on the web has never thought of it. that I can activate this site to be
Also this site will stay from webs lol. I mean the description clearly stated that it's one of the fastest website on the webs. So yeh, and along with friends that help out advertising this site, I don't even need a domain for it no more. It has gotten enough page viewers that attract new members and duelist each and everyday.