Heard of Yu-Gi-Oh! Online and Dueling Network? Wish that Yu-Gi-Oh! Online was free or Dueling Network was automatic? Yu-Gi-Oh! Pro is a free game software that works like Yu-Gi-Oh! Online. Fully automatic and free! However the Chinese programmer that is making this says that you will run into bugs and not every cards is in the game yet. This game only works through LAN which means you need other' IP to connect to them through the game. Not only that but the game has a Replay function as well so you can watch your best duels over and over again!
http://percival18.blogspot.com/ is where you will find this game as well as updates.
How to install if you want:
Download the full game.
Open the Zip file with 7-Zip or similar programs.
Extract every file to a folder of your choice.
Run "gframe-english" to start.
You can change the sound effects, background, card images and card backs to anything of your choice!
If anyone want to try this out let me know. If someone wants to duel I can add their IP to a list so everyone can duel you without the need of posting multiple posts and its easier to search for a friends IP address OR we can have an offical Hamachi room for people to connect to so there won't be any hassle to Duel each other.
Hamachi Network:
K.W.C. Pros
K.W.C. Pros 2
Password: yugioh
Want to know more? You have plenty of videos on YouTube, just search: YGOPro.