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 Psychic Deck

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4 posters
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Psychic Deck Empty
PostSubject: Psychic Deck   Psychic Deck Icon_minitimeThu Jul 21, 2011 7:12 pm

just wandering what i can do to make it better.

x1 Armored Axon Kicker
x2 Destructotron
x1 Doctor Cranium
x3 Krebons
x1 Mind Master
x2 Mind Protector
x2 Overide Telepoerter
x3 Pandaborg
x3 Psychic Commander
x2 Psychic Snail
x1 telekinetic Shocker

x1 Brain Research Lab
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Double summon
x1 Emergency Teleport
x1 Mind Control
x2 Miracle Synchro Fusion
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Call of the Haunted
x1 Mind Over Matter
x1 Mirror Force
x2 Psi-Curse
x2 Psychic Overload
x1 Psychic Rejuvenation
x2 Telepathic Power

x2 Ultimate Axon Kicker
x1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
x2 Hyper Psychic Blaster
x2 Magical Android
x2 Psychic Lifetrancer
x1 Red Dragon Archfiens
x2 Stardust Dragon
x2 Thought Ruler Archfiend.
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Sizzle Fish
Sizzle Fish

Male Number of posts : 2235
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Special Awards : Psychic Deck Png10
Date Joined : 2011-05-01

Psychic Deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Psychic Deck   Psychic Deck Icon_minitimeThu Jul 21, 2011 8:45 pm

Hmm I duno much about Pshycic decks...but does Syncro fusion really work in there?
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Star Duelist
Star Duelist

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Special Awards : Psychic Deck Png10
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Psychic Deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Psychic Deck   Psychic Deck Icon_minitimeThu Jul 21, 2011 9:59 pm

Sizzle Fish wrote:
Hmm I duno much about Pshycic decks...but does Syncro fusion really work in there?
Yep, Ultimate Axon Kicker is a fusion that requires a Synchro Monster as Material. I have a Psychic deck on Dueling Network. Although I don't consider myself as a very good duelist,'s up to you if you want to read this or not anyway XD
You're going to want to add in or replace:
-Prime Material Dragon (When you would lose LP, you gain it instead)
-Hanewata (Discard to make eff damage that turn 0, so you can spam Destructotron that turn XD)
-Psychic Emperor (Gain 500 LP for each psychic type monster in your graveyard when Summoned)
-Master Gig (You don't have a Master Gig?! *GASP* The Master Gig/Destructotron Lock down?!)
-Des Wombat (Any Card eff damage you take, becomes 0)
-Psychic Jumper (This was the COTW at one point, check out some really good tips posted on there)
-Synchro Fusionist (This is really a Meh card, depending if you're going for Ultimate Axon Kicker)

-Telekinetic Charging Cell (You don't have to pay LP to activate a Psy's type eff, very useful)
-Counter Cleaner (In case one were to MST Brain research lab causing you the duel...not good.)
-Mist Body (I combine this with Ultimate Axon Kicker so that...he's kinda Immortal rofl)
-One for One (Doctor Cranium trololol Wink)
-Burden of the Mighty
-Ancient Leaf (Psy decks have LP go through a roller coaster ride, 9000 isn't too hard to get to XD)

-Dark Bribe
-Damage Translation (Halve the eff damage taken)
-Life Absorbing Machine (Gain Half the LP lost the previous turn)
-Psychic Tuning
-Tuner's Barrier
-Psychic Trigger
-Metaphysical Regeneration

-Black-Winged Dragon (Lol, very useful soaks up the eff damage)
-Ancient Fairy Dragon

I would take out:
-Mind Master (I actually used this card before, but Psychic decks can go much faster so I took him out to compete with top metas :p)
-Telekinetic Shocker

-Dark Hole
-Double Summon (Why Double Summon when you have Brain Research Lab? o.O)

So yeah...This is what I say, after reading it you'll definitely have a lot of cards, but it's up to you for which playstyle you use. I'm just suggesting some cards that are useful in a Psychic Deck...

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Male Number of posts : 26
Age : 33
5Ds WC 2011 FC : 0777-0551-5955
Date Joined : 2012-07-01

Psychic Deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Psychic Deck   Psychic Deck Icon_minitimeSun Jul 01, 2012 4:50 am

Im not too good with these,since ive never played pure psychics "Psy Plants ftw"
But it looks pretty good,I like the Axon kicker in the main deck "The non-fusion"
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PostSubject: Re: Psychic Deck   Psychic Deck Icon_minitime

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