Have any one watched or read the this awsom series?
I think you would like the show if you liked like Lucky star or The melancoly of Hahuri Suzumiya.
Because it has the same kind of random/awsom humor.
Just a quicky about the story if you haven't watched it.
The story awolves around four Japnaese first years high school girls.
A girl named Ritsu want to join the Light music club (keion), but since no one else want to join the club the club is going to be disbanded.
A club need at least four members or else it wont get aproved. Ristu makes her frind Mio join the club and gets a girl named Tsumugi who orginally was goind to join the choir club but was over talked by Ritsu.
Yui joins the Light music club since she think it is going to be the easiest club.
But she have no experienc in playing any instrument!
Anyway this series is realy fun, go check it out. =)